How To Check Your Access Bank Account Balance With Any Type Of Phone

Everyday life keeps improving and so do technologies keep evolving.
Access Bank has come with a new method of checking account balance and this time around,
you can do such with any kind of phone though your network server/provider will charge you for that at the rate of 4.00naira for each message.
To check your access bank account balance with your phone follow the steps listed below.
·         Compose a text message following the format in the next step
·         Bal (space) number (your account number)
·         Then send it to 08160000612
·         Your balance would be sent back to you within seconds.
This is the way your text message should look like. Bal 0867485738, send to 08160000612.

(NOTE) You are expected to use that particular number that is registered with your Bank Account.

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