Benefits Of Examination To The Students

Things exam can do for you: It is no doubt that the sound of an exam always sends a trill down someone's spine. No matter how well someone has prepared, only the thought of it gets us thinking and what we do at this point in time is trying to get tactful or rather some accumulated knowledge within us regurgitated.
We dig into our innermost mind with a sense of filing out all we have captured through the lectures or the lessons we have had for each course. A predominantly thriving cliche amongst students would always intend making them retort with two letters acronym 'EE' Education is sweet but Exam spoiled it. I guess this is a familiar phrase. Consequently, a philosopher once said that an unexamined life is not worth living and another strains his voice crying out that the same Exam is never the true test of knowledge. I enjoin in contending with both ideas but with specifications on what reasons and at what point each can suggestively be utilized. The former claims that its only in striving to come to know ourselves and to understand ourselves do our lives have meaning or value.

 This simply is examination of oneself. If we refuse to question ourselves we will never know the strength and the length at which our learning has gone thus examination is drawn as an instrument of academic measurement but does it really tell how knowledgeable one is? Sometimes the aftermath of exams might be an ugly experience when you are stung with bad results. The result of this exam puts smiles on some persons face while some would always squeeze theirs in reaction to a tragic result. One cool truth is that you are not alone when you see such result because thats where the latter assertion breaths. Something must have caused your poor academic performance at such stage, rising either within you or distantly external. The claim here is that in an examination, not every person is always capable of recalling immediately the answers to the questions set within a stipulated time. At this point someone might get stranded at what he knows if it were not to be in an exam spirit. Its on this basis that most students feels less comfortable with exams. The benefit of exams therefore cannot be forgotten because it gets us going from one level to another and so can't be terminated.

Written by: uchenna moses jr

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